Sugarbush Park West - Overview

Sugarbush Park West


This profile of Ann Arbor’s Sugarbush Park West Playground is part of our Playground Profiles Series. Are you interested in sponsoring the series? Contact us for details.

Each week Ann Arbor with Kids is profiling a different playground in the Ann Arbor area including Ann Arbor, Saline, Ypsilanti, Dexter, etc. Today we are profiling Sugarbush Park West part of the Ann Arbor system.

Ann Arbor’s Sugarbush Park West

The playground on the west side of Sugarbush Park is great for young kids with a low structure, swings, and bouncers. Plus, there are several sports fields and a funnel ball hoop. Paved and unpaved paths connect to the neighborhood sidewalks and other parts of Sugarbush Park.

Sugarbush Park West – Playground Features

Playground Profile Last Updated: August 9, 2022

Playground Best for: Kids Under 5, Kids 5-8
Structures: 1
Accessible Structure: No
Slides: 4, Straight Slide, Tube Slide
Monkey Bars: No
Zip Line: No
Climbing Apparatus: No
Merry Go Round: No
Bouncers: Yes
See Saw: Yes
Sandbox: Yes
Natural Play: No
Swings: 2 traditional swings, 2 baby swings, 0 parent/baby swings, 0 adaptive swings, 0 tire swings
Ground Activities: No
Surface: Wooden Mulch
Shade: Partial Shade – Lots of large trees
Seating: Yes, Benches in shade and sun plus a picnic bench.

Swings picture

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Sugarbush Park West – Park Details

Park Owner: Ann Arbor
Location: Sugarbush Park, Yellowstone Drive, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Parking: Street Parking –
Bathrooms: No
Walking Trails: Paved – Paved Trails throughout and connect to neighborhood sidewalks and other parts of Sugarbush Park. There are also unpaved trails throuhgout sugarbush park.
Water Play: None
Picnic Benches: Yes, At Playground
Pavilion: No
Sports Fields: Basketball, Baseball/Softball, Tennis, Open Fields, Funnel Ball

Sugarbush Park West Description

Sugarbush Park has two play areas that are in different sections of the park. They are on opposite sides of Yellowstone Dr. Because they are separated by such a distance, we are covering them as two separate playground profiles rather than one profile with two structures.

The play structure on Sugarbush Park West is conveniently located near tennis, basketball, and baseball fields. However, the play structure is best for younger children. The play structure is relatively short featuring a racer slide, a short tube slide, and another slide. It is perfect for kids just starting out.

Sugarbush Park West - Structure

There are both baby swings and regular sling swings at the west side of Sugarbush Park. However, they are not next to each other which is not as convenient if you have children using both types of swings.

Sugarbush Park west also has a seesaw for older kids. As an only child, my daughter always missed out on see saws.

Sugarbush Park West - See Saw

The west play area does have a sand area with two bouncers. When we visited in July 2022, the sandbox was not great for sand play with compacted sand and weeds. However, as sandboxes are weeded throughout the season and have sand replaced every few years, we are leaving it in our list of playgrounds with sandboxes. But, if your child really wants to play in sand, we suggest one of the other parks with sandboxes – either Bromley or Greenbrier which are nearby and have good sandboxes..

Sugarbush Park west - Bouncers in Sandbox

In addition to the play structure, Sugarbush Park west has a nearby tennis court, basketball, and baseball field. Bring a ball so the kids can play funnel ball.

Beyond Sugarbush Park West

Don’t miss the east side of Sugarbush Park. The play area on that side is better for older kids with higher slides and the path connects to Green Rd.

Ann Arbor Playground Profiles

Have you been to Ann Arbor’s Sugarbush Park West? If so, what is your favorite part?

Find more Ann Arbor area playgrounds in our Playground Profile series. Then, plan your own playground tour.

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