2025-2026 Ann Arbor Public Schools Calendar Dates & Predictions- Calendar with First Day of School written on it

2025-2026 Ann Arbor School Calendar: Official Dates & Predictions

Are you looking for the 2025-2026 Ann Arbor School calendar? Next year’s AAPS calendar has not been released yet. Calendars are typically released over the summer. But, that doesn’t mean we know nothing about the calendar! Winter and spring break schedules are available. And I’ve been predicting the Ann Arbor Public Schools calendar for several years and am usually pretty close.

Ann Arbor Public Schools Calendar 2024-2025

Are you looking for this year’s AAPS calendar? We’ve got details on that one too.

Countdown to Learning: 2024-2025 Ann Arbor School Calendar

Are you looking for the 2024-2025 Ann Arbor School calendar? It was finally released on July 30th! Ann Arbor Public Schools Calendar 2024-2025 My Experience Predicting Ann Arbor School Calendar I have been covering the AAPS calendar and making predictions for about 10 years. This year is a bit different as I won’t have a […]

My Experience Predicting Ann Arbor School Calendar

I have been covering the AAPS calendar and making predictions for about 10 years. My daughter started in AAPS in fall 2011 and graduated in June 2024, so I’ve been following the school calendar for quite awhile.

I’ve covered the calendar through an increase in required school days, the introduction of early release days, and COVID shutdowns.

First Day of School for 2025-2026 in AAPS

When do Michigan schools start? Traditionally, school started the Tuesday after Labor Day and that is still the standard. However, districts can apply for a waiver to start in August. Ann Arbor Schools has had a waiver to start early since 2020-2021.

I predict school will start on Monday, August 25 .with a four day week before taking off Friday-Monday (August 29-September 1) for Labor Day. School will likely resume on Tuesday, September 2.

While starting after Labor Day is nice, this schedule lets school start with a 4 day week, a 4 day weekend, and another 4 day week.

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Other Dates in August

High school students involved in band/orchestra or a fall sport will have activities through August.

High School orientations typically take place about a week and a half before school starts. At Orientation students get their student IDs, class schedule, books (if any), and can get a parking pass. If a student misses orientation, there will be another opportunity to complete orientation. I would definitely try to make these especially if your child is new to the school or they have a complicated schedule.

Some elementary schools hold welcome back events the week before school starts. Some host the whole school, while others host just new students.

Last Day of School for 2025-2026 in AAPS

Traditionally school has ended on a Friday, but in 2023-2024 it moved to Thursday and in 2024-2025 it moved to Wednesday.

My. best guess is school ending mid-late week June 8th-12th. With high school exams at Pioneer and Huron needing 4 days, a Thursday end date of June 11th works better.

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Major Breaks on the 2025-2026 AAPS Calendar

In May 2021, Washtenaw Intermediate School District (WISD) approved the dates for Winter and Spring Break through 2026 including the 2025-2026 school year.

The 2025-2026 break schedule is:

  • Winter Break – Saturday, December 20-Sunday, January 4
    • Break starts after school on Friday, December 19
    • School Resumes on Monday, January 5
    • Check out Winter Break Camps
  • Saturday, March 28-Sunday, April 5
    • Break starts after school on Friday, March 27
    • School Resumes on Monday, April 6
    • Check out our Spring Break Camp Guide

(Note: when AAPS releases their calendar, they typically only list the school days off for example – March 30-April 3 – while we have included the weekends)

Minor Breaks on the Ann Arbor School Calendar Next Year

For 2025-2026, AAPS typically has several minor breaks of less than a week, but more than a 3 day weekend. Our initial predictions include 4 minor breaks – Labor Day, Fall Break, Thanksgiving, and Mid-Winter Break.

Labor Day – August 29-September 1

Every year that AAPS has started before Labor Day, they have had a 4 day weekend for Labor Day. That would mean AAPS would be closed on Friday, August 29 and Monday, September 1 with school resuming on Tuesday, September 2.

It is nice to ease into the school year with two 4 day weeks separated by a 4 day weekend.

Fall Break – October 10-13

AAPS added a fall break for the first time in my memory in 2023-2024. It was the week after Indigenous Peoples Day (October 14-17) and partially coincided with UMs fall break (Friday-Monday vs UM’s Saturday-Tuesday).

We predict Fall Break will remain the same weekend as Friday, October 10-Monday, October 13. provides at least partial overlap with UM’s Fall Break (10/13-14), Indigenous Peoples Day, Canadian Thanksgivin.

Thanksgiving – November 26-30

Ann Arbor Public Schools is typically closed Wednesday-Friday for Thanksgiving. They have had this same break the entire 13 years my daughter attended – and in 2024-25 after she graduated. (except for the 2021-2022 year when they extended Thanksgiving break due to COVID cases).

Our prediction is 2025 AAPS Thanksgiving Break will be Wednesday November 26 through Sunday, November 30 resuming on Monday, December 1.

Students at Skyline and Pathways typically have a true break over Thanksgiving! Trimester 1 finals are the Friday-Tuesday before Thanksgiving with Trimester 2 starting when they return.

Mid-Winter Break – February 13-17

Mid-winter break has been back the last few years. It has been a 5 day weekend (Friday-Tuesday around Presidents Day). This mid-winter break matches what other districts in the county offer (Saline and Dexter)

Mid-Winter break was originally the week of UM’s spring break (prior to 2009 or so). Then it was the whole week of President’s Day. About 10 years ago, it started shrinking to just a 3 day weekend as the state added days to the school calendar. I am glad to see it back.

Individual Days Off

My predictions of 2024-2025 individual days off were all correct and we’re keeping most of those predictions for 2025-2026.

I am confident that AAPS will continue to be closed on Election Days, Martin Luther King Jr Day, and Memorial Day. My best guess is that Presidents Day will be either a day off or part of mid-winter break in future years as well.

AAPS typically has off for Good Friday (the Friday before Easter) on years when it does not fall during spring break. This year, Easter is the last day of spring break, so there won’t be an individual day off for Good Friday. However, we assume this trend will continue in the future..

  • Election Day – Tuesday, November 4
  • Martin Luther King Jr Day – Monday, January 19
  • May Election Day – Tuesday, May 5
  • Memorial Day – Monday, May 25

Make sure to check out our full list of school break camps if you need child care on days off from school. This list will be updated for the 2024-2025 school year in fall 2024 as camps are announced. Historically most camps were not announced until after summer camps end. In a post-pandemic world, we have noticed that most camps are announced gradually through the school year – one break at a time.

Child Care Solved: School Break Camps near Ann Arbor

When schools are off for a day or a week, many parents are looking for child care options. There are typically a number of options for School Break Camps near Ann Arbor. Trying to remember which days the kids are off? Check out the 2024-2025 Ann Arbor Public Schools Calendar. Ann Arbor School Break Camp […]

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Snow (& Other Last Minute) Days Off

The AAPS schedule typically has 6 built in “snow” days on the calendar. If the district goes over the 6 days, they either need to add days at the end of the year or ask the state for forgiveness.

While snow days is their typical use, they have been used for various purposes throughout the years. In recent years “snow” days have been used for widespread power outages, staffing shortages across the district due to illness, and in the wake of the Oxford School Shooting.

Hopefully for 2025-2026 these will only be needed for snow days.

Early Release Days

The last day of school has always been a half- day in my daughter’s 11 years at AAPS. Her first few years, that was the only early release day. The district has been adding days in recent years. We expect their to continue to be about 7 early release days plus selective early release days to allow for middle and high school transition activities.

2024-2025 Early Release Days – expect a similar distribution for 2025-2026:

  • Tuesday, September 24 – All Students
  • Thursday, October 31 – All Students
  • Wednesday, December 4 – All Students
  • Wednesday, January 29 – All Students
  • Tuesday, March 4 – All Students
  • Wednesday, April 23 – All Students
  • Tuesday, April 29 – Early release for HS, Transition day for 8th grade
  • Thursday, May 1 – Early release for MS, Transition day for 5th grade.
  • Thursday, May 15 – Early Release for All Students
  • Wednesday, June 11 – Last Day of School 1/2 Day

High School Exams

Typically, Skyline and Pathways are on a trimester schedule with Huron, Pioneer, and Community on a semester schedule. This leads to different exam days.

High school exams are scheduled in the morning with 2 exams a day. Students are dismissed after their last exam.

Trimester Exams (Skyline & Pathways)

Trimester 1 typically ends before Thanksgiving. It is nice for the kids to have Thanksgiving break knowing exams are over.

2025-2026 exam predictions (2024-2025 exam schedule in parentheses)

  • Trimester 1 – Friday, November 21 & Monday-Tuesday, November 24-25 (Friday, November 22, Monday-Tuesday November 25-26)
  • Trimester 2- Wednesday-Friday, March 4-6 (Wednesday-Friday, March 5-7)
  • Trimester 3- Tuesday-Thursday, June 9-11 (Monday-Wednesday, June 9-11)

Semester Exams (Huron, Pioneer & Community)

Typically Semester 1 exams are the Tuesday-Friday of MLK day. Semester 2 exams are the last 4 days of school.

2025-2026 exam predictions (2024-2025 exam schedule in parentheses)

  • Semester 1 – Tuesday-Friday, January 20-23 (Tuesday-Friday January 21-24)
  • Semester 2 – Monday-Thursday, June 8-11 (Friday, June 6 & Monday-Wednesday, June 9-11)

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Testing Days for Middle & High School

There are several days that standardized testing is offered for high school students. The high school students who are not testing on those days have a late start.

These are not as easy to predict. But, expect them to be similar to the 2024-2025 dates:

  • Wednesday, October 9, 2024
    • High School – 11th grade PSAT/NMSQT, late start for those not testing (9th, 10th, & 12th plus 11th not taking the exam)
  • Thursday, April 10, 2025
    • Middle School – 8th grade PSAT, late start for 6th, 7th,
    • High School – 11th grade PSAT, 9th grade WorkKeys, late start for 10th & 12th graders not testing
  • April 17, 2025
    • High School – 10th/11th grade SAT/PSAT, late start for 12th & 9th graders

The 11th grade SAT, and WorkKeys are graduation requirements. Other testing can be opted out.

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Ann Arbor Public Schools Bell Schedule

AAPS Bell times were the same for 2024-2025 as they have been since the 2021-2022 school year. This was a nice change from pre-pandemic years in AAPS where they seemed to change every year or two. Bell times changed significantly for 2021-2022 compared to both the virtual year and pre-pandemic schedules.

AAPS School Day Schedule

AAPS Bell Schedule for 2024-2025

The Ann Arbor Public Schools Bell Schedule for 2024-2025 has not changed since 2021-2022! In my daughter's early years in AAPS, the schedule seemed to shift by a few minutes...

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When Can we Expect the Full AAPS 2025-2026 Calendar?

Winter and Spring break schedules are released in 5 year blocks through the 2025-2026 school year. We already know these for 2025-2026.

The first day of school was announced in spring the last few years with a final calendar released in July. We expect the same trend to continue

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