Pierce Park - Structure

Pierce Park


This profile of Chelsea’s Pierce Park Playground is part of our Playground Profiles Series. Are you interested in sponsoring the series? Contact us for details.

Each week Ann Arbor with Kids is profiling a different playground in the Ann Arbor area including Ann Arbor, Saline, Ypsilanti, Dexter, etc. Today we are profiling Pierce Park part of the Chelsea system.

Chelsea’s Pierce Park

Chelsea’s Pierce Park has tons of slides – 6 on its single structure. With a flexible bridge, parallel bars, and swings, it will keep kids entertained for awhile.

Pierce Park – Playground Features

Playground Profile Last Updated: August 19, 2021

Playground Best for: Kids Under 5, Kids 5-8, Kids 8-12
Structures: 1
Accessible Structure: No
Slides: 6, Straight Slide, Curved Slide, Tube Slide, Racer Slide
Monkey Bars: Yes
Zip Line: No
Climbing Apparatus: No
Merry Go Round: No
Bouncers: No
See Saw: No
Sandbox: No
Natural Play: No
Swings: 3 traditional swings, 1 baby swings, 0 parent/baby swings, 0 adaptive swings, 0 tire swings
Ground Activities: Yes
Surface: Wooden Mulch
Shade: Partial Shade – Lots of shady trees around the park
Seating: No

Swings picture

Events from our Sponsors

Pierce Park – Park Details

Park Owner: Chelsea
Location: Pierce Park, 851 South Main Street, Chelsea, MI, USA
Parking: Parking Lot –
Bathrooms: No
Walking Trails: Paved – Path connects to sidewalk on Main St and almost to the road to St Joseph Mercy Hospital
Water Play: None
Picnic Benches: Yes, Nearby, Under Cover of Pavilion
Pavilion: Yes
Sports Fields: Open Fields

Pierce Park Description

Pierce Park has a surprising number of slides (6) for the size of its structure. I walked around the structure twice to make sure I had counted correctly. It has two tube slides, a twisty slide, a set of short racer slides, and a short curved slide.

In addition to all the slides, one of the platforms has a set of parallel bars that slope up to the platform. Kids can crawl up them or try to slide down.

Pierce Park - Parallel Bars

The two sections of the structure are connected by a flexible bridge. I always loved running over them when I was a kid.

Pierce Park - Flexible Bridge & Racer Slides

Pierce Park also has a musical butterfly to make music. There is also a lady bug pillar kids can climb on.

Pierce Park - Musical Butterfly

Beyond Pierce Park

Pierce Park features Chelsea’s paintable rock. Anyone can paint the rock at any time. When I was there in person and even when I first looked at my picture, I thought I got lucky and had stumbled into luck to be there for the 12th birthday of the rock. After looking at the photo for the 3rd or 4th time, I finally realized it said Brock and not Rock. Chelsea Pierce Park - Paintable Rock Twisters Ice Cream is right next to Pierce Park. Make plans to visit and get some ice cream while you are there…or take your ice cream to the park. Twisters Ice Cream Located next to Pierce Park  

Ann Arbor Playground Profiles

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