Huron Highlands Playground Overview

Huron Highlands Park


This profile of Ann Arbor’s Huron Highlands Park Playground is part of our Playground Profiles Series. Are you interested in sponsoring the series? Contact us for details.

Each week Ann Arbor with Kids is profiling a different playground in the Ann Arbor area including Ann Arbor, Saline, Ypsilanti, Dexter, etc. Today we are profiling Huron Highlands Park part of the Ann Arbor system.

Ann Arbor’s Huron Highlands Park

Huron Highlands is a neighborhood park off of Pontiac Trail. It has a small structure with slides, and a larger structure with monkey bars, rings, zip line, and benches. The park also has a sandbox, merry go round, and baby swings.

Huron Highlands Park – Playground Features

Playground Profile Last Updated: August 20, 2021

Playground Best for: Kids Under 5, Kids 5-8, Kids 8-12
Structures: 2
Accessible Structure: No
Slides: 3, Straight Slide, Racer Slide
Monkey Bars: Yes
Zip Line: Yes
Climbing Apparatus: No
Merry Go Round: Yes
Bouncers: No
See Saw: No
Sandbox: Yes
Natural Play: No
Swings: 0 traditional swings, 2 baby swings, 0 parent/baby swings, 0 adaptive swings, 0 tire swings
Ground Activities: Yes
Surface: Wooden Mulch
Shade: No –
Seating: Yes, Retaining wall around playground can be sat on. Picnic Table above playground(This is a new addition after our visit and we don’t have benches in the pictures)

Swings picture

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Huron Highlands Park – Park Details

Park Owner: Ann Arbor
Location: Huron Highlands Park, 400 Skydale Drive, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Parking: Street Parking –
Bathrooms: No
Walking Trails: Paved – Paved paths connect the playground to Skydale and Larkspur and neighborhood sidewalks on both streets
Water Play: None
Picnic Benches: Yes, At Playground, Nearby, Shady
Pavilion: No
Sports Fields: Open Fields, Volleyball

Huron Highlands Park Description

Huron Highlands Park has two structures. The smaller structure is a traditional structure with 3 slides – and sized for smaller kids. It also has tic tac toe spinners on the structure.

Huron Highlands Playground - Slide Structure

The larger structure is more unique and less traditional. It has a zip line, monkey bars, and rings radiating like spokes from a center hub that has built in benches. There is no true structure to climb.

Bromley Park - Structure with Monkey Bars, Zip Lines, Rings, and Benches

Attached to the end of the rings spoke is a log roller. Can you stay on? When my daughter was little, she always wanted me to try. I was better than she was, but still not very good.

Huron Highlands Playground - Log Roller

The sandbox at Huron Highlands has a digger built into it.

Huron Highlands Playground Overview

As a preschooler, my daughter loved climbing on the playground dinosaurs. I wonder what type of dinosaur this is at Huron Highlands? Maybe a brachiosaurus.

Huron Highlands - Dinosaur

Ann Arbor Playground Profiles

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