February 17 AAPS Board of Education Meeting

February 17 Ann Arbor Public Schools Board of Education Meeting

On February 17, the Ann Arbor Public Schools Board of Education held a regular meeting. The meetign was originally called a study session, but was converted to a regular meeting. You can watch the meeting live on Zoom or on Xfinity Channel 18. The district typically posts the recording split into segments the day after the meeting.


The big news out of tonight’s Board Meeting is the Proposal to Modify the Return to Learn Plan. Tonight the AAPS board voted to have Dr Swift made a recommendation to modify the Return to Learn plan to finish the school year fully virtual except for students with the greatest needs who would return to school by March 22. This would end the return to hybrid by grade level which was originally the plan. Only the students with high needs would return. Dr Swift will present the modified plan and it will be voted on next week.

Trustee Baskett started with a proposal of multiple items. 

  • Bring into our buildings our most vulnerable – special education in self- contained, academically failing, most at risk of not graduating this year.
  • Continue full virtual delivery to other students with other supports as identified
  • Continue support with community partnerships for students learning there 
  • Space in our buildings for parents who need support where students can be dropped off to get virtual instruction in a safe place with supervision of adults.
  • Continue awesome work of Rec & Ed program. We know they’ve been providing safe and fun places to be. 
  • Redesign our usual end of year celebrations such as field day, prom, graduation. Can we get ahead of this for this year.

After considerable discussion on the process and clarifying what was being proposed and voted on, the final proposal was:

By Trustee Baskett, I move to redirect Dr Swift to make a recommendation to modify our current return to school plan to allow instruction to remain virtual to the end of the school year with the exception of serving those with the greatest needs (as clarified by our superintendent and school administrators) who would return to school by March 22, 2021. The implementation of this modified plan will be presented, discussed and voted on by February 24, 2021.

The new proposal passed 5-2 with trustees Kelly and Johnson voting no.

Trustee Kelly expressed concern that this means most students will no longer have the option to return to hybrid. She was concerned that we don’t know the financial, legal, and staffing considerations that go into the new plan. Trustee Johnson expressed similar concerns.

Summer & Fall 2021

Several Public Commentators asked about Fall 2021 plans. Dr Swift was optimistic about a strong return to in person learning in Fall 2021. Trustees also shared optimism. The hope is that by fall adult vaccination rates will be high enough that unvaccinated students will have less exposure.

AAPS is planning a robust summer learning experience for Summer 2021. Last summer 5000 students participated. This summer they hope to have higher participation.

Events from our Sponsors

Nichols Arboretum Big Play Day June 23

Big Play Day

Mark you calendars for June 23!

AFC Ann Arbor Women's Team takes the field

AFC Ann Arbor (Women’s) Final Home Game vs Detroit City FC

AFC Ann Arbor Women's Season May 19-June 30

Ann Arbor Student Board Proposal

Vivian Li & Christine Kang, two Skyline students, proposed creating a Student Board to give AAPS high school students a single organization and voice to the school board. The board expressed support and encouragement. Dr Swift and her team will work to help the team get started. The AAPS Board Exec Committee will also follow-up.

COVID Cases & Vaccine Rates

Washtenaw County has the lowest teacher vaccination rate in Michigan – around 30%. While cases have dropped in the last two weeks, they still hover at the split between Level E (the highest) and Level D.

2021-2022 Budget

Ms Minnick updated on the governor’s preliminary budget information for 2021-2022. There is a proposed $82/pupil increase. There will be changes in how the student count is calculated to account for student loss due to COVID. 

First Briefings – 2019 Bond Work

The board heard first briefings on spending for 2021 summer projects for air conditioning and LED lighting at Burns Park, Angell, Tappan, and Community and a second part lighting and air conditioning project at Scarlett. They also heard a first briefing on architectural and engineering services for summer 2022 projects. The architectural and engineering services are the first step to preparing the 2022 projects to have bids by this time next year

Second Briefings & Consent Agenda

There were no updates to the Second Briefings which were first presented at the meeting February 10. 

  • Deferred Compensation Plans Restatements
  • Annex AN-2017: Technology Purchase – Dell Chromebooks & MacBook Airs
  • Annex AN-2018: Technology Purchase – Student Headsets
  • Annex AN-2019: AED Replacement Purchase

The board had no discussion. They unanimously approved the consent agenda which included these items and approving the minutes from last weekend 


Present: Lazarus, Kelly, Johnson, Dupree, Gaynor, Kelly, Querijero, Baskett (joined late)

Non-Voting Attendees: Swift, Cluley, Osinski, Minnick, Kellstrom, Margolis

All of the Board Members confirmed that they were attending from Ann Arbor or Ypsilanti.

The Board unanimously approved tonight’s agenda. Motioned by Querijero, Seconded by Lazarus.

Skyline Student Presentation

Vivian Li & Christine Kang from Skyline joined to present an Ann Arbor Student Board Proposal. They shared a slideshow and a more detailed proposal.

They received 164 AAPS high schoolers in August 2020 after sending it via social media.

Key Issues

  • Quality of virtual learning
  • Quality & pace of classes
  • Standardized testing
  • Communication with district administration
  • Opportunities to work on social issues
  • Event Planning (I think, I didn’t type fast enough)

Over 1300 AAPS signed a petition to reform online education especailly around mental health and workload. It’s clear there needs to be an increase in student voices across AAPS.

They’re proposal for the Ann Arbor Student Board (A2SB) to work towards an equitable community providing an equitable education for all students.

They plan an executive team of secretary, presidents, and committee heads. The representatives will bring updates from administration to student body, gather data from their schools, collaborate with the rest of A2SB. Representatives will hold regular meetings with other repreesentatives, committee heads, & more. They suggest one from each school at each grade. Presidenst will also act as representatives. The goal is to increase communciation betweeen students and administartion.

Three committees – Event Planning, Social Justice, & Communications.

If AAPS District sanctioned a district-wide student organization, would you be interested in joining. Of 138 responses, 83% said yes. Without seniors, 91% said yes.

They’ve done research and found examples in Denver (Student Board of Education), Montgomery County (MOCO Students for Change), and Boston (Student Advisory Council). They are testimony that empowering youth leads to positive change.

They have a general structure, support from teachers & community leaders, student interest, student contact information, and project & partnership ideas. They need Board of Education’s approval & support, mentorship from at least 1 BOE member, feedback & revision of structure, and rollout plan (bylaws, outreach, application process).

Timeline – hope to launch in May with outreach, publicity, & open applications for executive team through June. By m id-summer they hope to establish committees and brainstorm ideas for next school year. By Late August they want to open committees for everyone and have official meetings and start work in September.

Action steps:

  • BOE Approval
  • Adult mentor from BOE
  • Working Group with students & club advisors

Events from our Sponsors

Nichols Arboretum Big Play Day June 23

Big Play Day

Mark you calendars for June 23!

AFC Ann Arbor Women's Team takes the field

AFC Ann Arbor (Women’s) Final Home Game vs Detroit City FC

AFC Ann Arbor Women's Season May 19-June 30

Trustee Comments & Questions

Johnson: I want to remind everyone that the meetings are closed captions – look at the bottom of your Zoom screen.

Great job and I know we’ve worked together earlier and I’ve seen this.

Gaynor: This idea has been floating around for awhile. In principle, I endorse this but want to look at your full report.

Kelly: It’s clear this isn’t your first presentation. I had questions around how the representatives are chosen. You mentioned working alongside student government so I’m assuming it wouldn’t just be them. You mentioned applications, what can you tell young people who might be watching.

Kang: We’re hoping representatives would be chosen from each grade to make sure all voices are heard

Kelly: Who would review the applications

Li: We haven’t figured that out yet. We’re thiknig of an electon committee that would include BOE member advisors. We’ve also discussed elections. We’ll probably explore more with our oworking groups.

DuPree: I want to say amazing presentation. Thank you for bringing it to us. What are you looking for as far as mentorship from the board.

Kang: With mentorship is really guidance and help on the process. There are things we don’t know about like Bylaws.

Li: How to collaboarte with students,

Baskett: I apologize I’ve had some tech issues and missed most of the presentation. My question is do we have a copy of the deck. Have you had conversations with the founder of Youth Summit.

Kang/Li: They were not familiar with it

Baskett: Back in the day we had a student voice via the Youth Summit . It offered the youth voice and was a non-profit. One of the board members sat on it. I think I served a year. I would suggest connecting with Ms Osinski for some of the records. It may be a model that would be helpful.

Querijero: About what you shared in the chat, about the 154 people who responded. Did you go in any depth besides the 6 questions on the slide?

Li: If I remember correctly we had an extensive list of questionst hat we aksed students. These were the ones that had the most opinionated result. I can’t recall off the top of my head if there were similar questions.

Swift: The Board governs and the superintendent and her team carry out the work. If the board is supportive, I’d love to follow up (either way), and have a conversation about how this would fit. Secondly, the Board has approved engagement groups for Board meetings to share input and feedback. I think Trustee Kelly noted that the student voice was still on the list of groups who can fit in on reports at meetings. You have my strong encouragement and enthusiasm to follow up and help with implementation.

Lazarus: I have had a chance with President Johnson to meet with you to talk about the process and proposal. These are two exceptional students and we should be proud to have them in the district. I support this and look forward tot he conversation to discuss who would be your mentor.

Johnson: I’ll echo trustee Lazarus statement. When we met before, I told you your presentation was at collegiate level or better. I’m excited to see the changes you made and thought you put into it. Can we have a motion to have the student board occupy the space for student voice? Then we can have further converstaion on representation. Or is that premature at this point.

Querijero: Can I get a clarification of what we’re asking?

Johnson: Can we vote about having this organization represetning in the sutdent voice. Or do folks want to review their proosal.

Kelly: While I support having the spot for student voice organization. I’m not clear yet that this is an organization yet. I’d rather wait to approve for it to be formalized.

Baskett: I echo Trustee Kelly’s concern. It can’t be overcome, I’m not comfortable voting on anything right now, but I’m definitely in favor of hearing more. You don’t need a formal organization to come speak to us.

Lazarus: I understand the hesitation. But my question is if we don’t take a vote today, where would this sit in structure of our committees. Who would help & what committee.

Swift: I believe it would be appropriate for the board to charge the superintendent to support the students in developing a plan congruent with the existing student governments.

DuPree: If we hold off on the vote, how long would it take to broker these details and bring it back to the board. These students have put in a lot of work.

Swift: I can’t commit to a timeline now, but I feel like there are some logistical details to work out first. May I take a task to update a board on a timeline once I talk with them and the high school principals.

Baskett: First there are some questions that need to be addressed and I want to be respectful of their schedule as well.

Kang: I think we’re both willing to keep working on this project and keep putting work on. We’re both still wiling to work on it.

Li: Our main objective is to choose the fastest implementation possible.

Baskett: Would we delegate to one of our committees.

Querijero, DuPree, & Johnson all expressed willingness to work with them.

Johnson: I do believe the board supports in general, but just needs a few more formalizations first.

Swift: If the exec leadership would prefer it go through committee, we can do that.

Johnson: Good point, we’ll decide in exec committee.

Public Commentary

Public Commentary is available on Board Docs. Letters submitted as public commentary are often read quickly and truncated to fit in the allotted time (there were 95 submissions tonight with 40 seconds allotted to each). Sharing the link to the posted public commentary means they are reported in a more complete and accurate manner – and without me having to guess at name spellings or paraphrasing to keep up with the pace they are read at.


Swift: I appreciate all who have submitted comments this evening. Not only these 95, but the emails we’ve received over previous days. Weather day calls are always tricky especially during this COVID year. There were a number of complications that arose and many of our locations around the region closed for the day. Child care, arrangements where students are gettign help durign the day at community centest and other locations. It felt most appropriate. I understand it did not resonate with a number of folks and will take that under advisement. I want to share that clarification. I belive our superintendent update and the discussion the trustees will have will address other concerns.

Kelly: Last Wednesday I addressed my frustration about the way that the decision to open buildings was evaluated by medical personnel and I failed to express my appreciation of medical workers and their work.

Our reality is K-12 remain second highest number of ongoing outbreaks in Michigan behind only long term care facilities. And hope our numbers decline so the path to reopen our buildings remains clear. 

I hope we agree as a community that no one should be forced to face COVID and its variants without the protection of these elements.

DuPree: I noticed in the comments from ASPIRE can you clarify for me what the demands are and how do we acknowledge Black Lives Matter at school.

Swift: Thank you Trustee DuPree for that question. We are working on all the issues that the ASPIRE group raised this evening. I’m happy to bring a more in depth share particularly on Black Lives Matter. Last week we shared NAAPID. Next meeting will be more around Black Lives Matter and our work with Black History Month. Our planning committee has recently looked at work by the Equity Team and will be sharing an update on our work as well.

One of the questions raised about police serving as Crossing Guards. They are civilian employees we hire in partnership with the city and are not police.

Johnson: I want to thank everyone for their commentary especially those who continue to share civilly. 

Reports of Associations

Ann Arbor Education Association

Fred Klein president AAEA provided a report. I want to thank Dr Swift for the snow day. I’ve heard appreciation from staff and parents for the chance to remain normal in the school year. Forts, sledding, helping parents dig out cars. It was a great opportunity to be in the moment and catch our breath and have some fun. Second, I’d like to let our community know how hard AAEA & AAPS are working to create a learning plan for face to face instruction. We have weekly meetings, smaller daily huddle teams, and more to make sure a quality instructional model is ready. The teacher members of AAEA are doing this on top of their teaching responsibilities.

Lastly, I find it remarkable to see the amount of community engagement. I can’t think of a time when the community has been so actively involved. For those who have been engaged for a logn time, you know we haven’t always seen eye to eye. Many of you came forward to support teachers. To those who spoke out to support us, we re grateful and tahnkful. For the newly engaged memebers, we hope you’ll stay engaged. Hopel us fight for more funding, better teacher evaluation laws, help us as we advocate for better public schools.

Join us in demanding increased access to vaccine for AAPS teachers. In a recent survey, Washtenaw County was dead last in teacher access to the vaccine. As part of my duties I meet with Washtenaw County Education Association. The WCEA sent a letter to our legislator and governor demanding a increase in vaccine access for educators.

We know we do our best work when in our buildings with our students. But we need the vaccine. Please join with us to demand this.

Board Committees

2019 Bond Auxilliary Committee

Lazarus: The Bond Committee met twice this week. One in a work mode session on Monday for the launch into community engagement session. They also met this morning to review needed work that is in Stage 1-6 promises. This is work that will be done over the summers. We do have some community tours going on to touch base with key group to build advisory groups. It will be on our website, the district is building a specific page for the bond work to keep the community updated.

Superintendent’s Update

We recognize the COVID time continues to be challenging. Not only for the students and educators but also thinking about the parents especially working parents. The classroom has become the kitchen table, parents have had to navigate technology, serving as student and teacher support and the encourager through the day. We will continue to work to improve virtual delivery and also work to support the wraparound support and respect and support parents who will choose to return to in person hybrid when the time comes. It is the intent of our work everyday. We’ve just passed 11 months since we closed last March.

I want to thank our students, staff, parents, and community for their hard work. We look forward tot eh day we can welcome our students back.

As we shared on january 13, we’ve set our direction to a transition for all studenst and families who choose this option. We’ve been preparing sincde last summer and are puttign final touches on those plans and working dilligently for students and staff. Yet, we need to see the rate of COVID infection reduced to see a healthy,s afe, and sustainable return to in school leaning. We know the discussion varies widely on the topic and we hear and understand the needs and preferences and family situations fall along a wide continuum. Fred Klein was correct we’re in long meetings everyday putting those details in palce. We do have a primary responsibliity to mainta the health and safety of our stuenst, staff, and community.

just a reminder Stage 1 includes PreK, Young 5 & Kidslef contacined classrooms at all levels, and students in middle and high school with high needs.nergarten,

Three critical components we are monitoring for this portion of the decision.

  • Progress of COVID vaccination rates for school team members. I understand there are those who believe it is not necessary, but it is an important part of what we are monitoring no that they are here. It is much better to open with teachers and staff having the opportunity
  • Ongoing level of school and district levels and community spread. We have seen a 16-17 day decline in rate of cases .It is encouraging sign, we remain on cusp on Level D-E (the highest level)
  • Emergent issues that could impact a healthy and safe return. The COVID variant seems to be 50% more contagious. It is Dr Khaldoun advises on this and Ann Arbor has highest umber of variant cases other than in an incarcerated environment.

I want to touch on teacher vaccinations. We continue to advocate at local, state, and federal level for additional vaccine supply. We work every day in partnership with WCHD, superintendents are in regular meetings. Our latest updated from Rep Dingle is the supply is a problem. She was working with Biden’s COVID czar directly on how to solve the issue.

From Dr Leanna Wynn in an NY Times article: re CDC not requiring vaccines for teachers. We will not compromise health and safety of our teachers. Vaccination of teachers and staff is an important foundational component. The lack of focus on teacher vaccination points to a broader problem. The reopening guidance does not prioritize the health of those who work at schools. Growing evidence shows they don’t contribute to community spread, but that does not reflect their risk level

We are continuing to move forward with tremendous amount of work and next to school community information sessions for elementary parents. It is critical parent have a chance to understand their options. Hybrid in school and the option to remain virtual. This is a family decision.

Last week we offered two community information sessions. Principals will be hosting them. A straight forward survey will come out in multiple languages so parents can respond. Each elementary will host an information session (fully virtual, live or on demand) so parents have answers in their school community. 

We have committed to offer a full virtual learning experience even as we move forward even as we offer hybrid in school opportunity. We will use mitigation strategies – Super 6. We’ve been through multiple trainings with staff. 

I’m asking Ms Osinski to put up MDHHS report from Monday. There are 87 Staff & students in 17 K-12 new schools & colleges. 566 staff & students in 93 ongoing outbreaks. That is 8255 total cumulative cases in schools as a result of ongoing infections. These are only the numbers traced to in school transmission.

Events from our Sponsors

Nichols Arboretum Big Play Day June 23

Big Play Day

Mark you calendars for June 23!

AFC Ann Arbor Women's Team takes the field

AFC Ann Arbor (Women’s) Final Home Game vs Detroit City FC

AFC Ann Arbor Women's Season May 19-June 30

Our thinking around Fall 2021. We hear that families and community want to know more. We absolutely look forward from this COVID winter to spring and hopeful to add in person learning. The first of March, we’ll bring forward summer learning opportunity. We were one of the few to offer a robust summer learning last summer. About 1/3 of our enrollment. We’re looking at even bigger this summer.

For Fall 2021, February is the time when parents and staff begin to think about the year ahead. While we know COVID will still be with us, we’re looking forward to a strong launch in Fall 2021. From a recent NYTimes piece and I’ll link it in the next update to parents. Author says the pandemic has surprised us again and again. By the fall a large share of adults will probably be vaccinated and all teachers and school staff should have access. Even with variants, high vaccination rates should have driven cases down. However children especially under 12 will largely be unvaccinated. The data does not support need for children to be vaccinated to return to school. 

We feel optimistic about a strong summer and a strong start to Fall 2021. Our work now will set a strong foundation for Fall 2021. We have experienced a setback with slower than expected rollout of vaccines to school personnel.

As we’ve shared since last August:

  • Signal the board & community when we’ve reached a level of infection where it is safe to reopen.
  • We’ll bring a proposal to the board of trustees & confirm a date for partial or full reopening of school. 
  • We’ll communicate with staff, community, parents, a date. While we’re not out yet today, we are getting closer. We do hear the urgency of the need and also understand the urgency of health and safety.

I understand many in our community are dissatisfied. We’ll work together to move our students, families, and parents beyond the pandemic. I know i doesn’t include an exact date that many parents want, but I can’t bring that this evening.

Proposal to Alter Return to School Plan

Baskett: I’m weary. We’ve been trying to chase this down, hope, only to be disappointed. We want to return to our buildings. We want to see our children happily enjoying education together. The community is tired, we’re tired. We understand the fatigue has turned into anger over things we can’t control. There are some things we can control.

I’m going to ask that we have a discussion about modifying the plan and hopefully we can have a discussion.

I want us to start planning for

  • Bring into our buildings our most vulnerable – special education in self- contained, academically failing, most at risk of not graduating this year.
  • Continue full virtual delivery to other students with other supports as identified
  • Continue support with community partnerships for students learning there 
  • Space in our buildings for parents who need support where students can be dropped off to get virtual instruction in a safe place with supervision of adults.
  • Continue awesome work of Rec & Ed program. We know they’ve been providing safe and fun places to be. 
  • Redesign our usual end of year celebrations such as field day, prom, graduation. Can we get ahead of this for this year.

I don’t bring this to you lightly. I’ve been monitoring emails and hearing public commentary. And possibly a vote/motion. This is a modification and is meant as no disrespect to the work you guys have been doing. We know you’ve been working on a plan. 

Even if we receive vaccine today, we still have high cases and the variant. There are so many unknowns. Our families have been patient. We need to plan. This constant hoping is getting stressful. We hope for a better time when numbers go in the right direction. I’m hopeful of President Biden’s statement that everyone who wants a vaccine should have the opportunity by July.

We know we won’t please everyone. We know there will continue to be unhappy parents. We’ve been trying to figure out the best safe place for everyone and that includes our staff too.

Johnson: Just so we’re clear. You want to focus the most on bringing back the kids who need it the most, redesign year end celebrations. Right now our current plan brings back the neediest kids. Can you be specific about what you want to modify?

Baskett: Instead of rolling out the grades, start with the neediest, most vulnerable – special ed in self-contained classrooms. And focus on those at risk of not getting through the year – the learning centers. These are safe places for our students – academic, or parents who need help.

Johnson: So you specifically say you want these, but not offer to any other student.

Baskett: No, I’m not saying that. Teaching stays virtual. Support comes not necessarily from teachers but support staff… I need to talk to someone besides Mom & Dad, 

Lazaurs: So what I’m hearing is this is respite help that these parents are asking us for. To allow us to bring their students in. They need to get back to work, need help getting their kid online. So to expand the learning centers within school walls instead of at the community centers. We would staff with volunteers within our district that are on our payroll. Willing to come in and hopefully having the vaccine available to them or to come in without.

Baskett: In our self-contained classroom those are specialized staff. These are going to be the vaccinated teachers who are trained in dealing with our student’s needs.

Swift: We’ll be following up with that group. I understand they’re coming up on the second dose. But have to make sure their full support staff. Those teachers were prioritized because of the significant needs of the children they regularly work with.

Baskett: What happens if we scale back who we can bring back. If we scale back can we get a date sooner rather than later.

Querijero: Can I clarify? An expansion of our services to those who need it the most. The reopening of school to those students and those who might be in danger of not graduating and eliminating other students. 

Baskett: Yes, I’m only talking about now tot he end of the school year. Summer program will be open to everyone. And yes, the 

Querijero: To clarify – the staffing and support of these students would be done on a voluntary basis.

Baskett: I think when we say volunteer, we aren’t mandating anyone come in. I believe we have obligation to offer to our staff that we already have. We’re going to need school nurses, we don’t have enough. Maybe all those volunteer medical people can figure out how we get those nurses in our building.

Swift: I do need to clarify. One is if we are moving out of discussion of my superintendent’s update, I know we’ll need a motion for that. Secondly, I do want to clarify the learning centers mirrors what is currently in our plan. She’s giving details. I’m not hearing a big change at secondary. I’m hearing a shift in stage 1 at elementary. It wouldn’t be full grade level, but a learning center approach.

Baskett: Yes, I want to be careful about the language. Learning groups as opposed to pod. Bring them into. My concern, language is important. If we say school is open, but school has been open. Our buildings would be open to a very specific need.

Lazarus: I could support a further discussion so we can officially have it on the record, so I can second. Do we need to vote to continue the discussion.

Johnson: A motion to have a discussion about altering the return to school plan by Trustee Baskett

Baskett: I’m asking to bring a motion to discuss 

1 – Bring in self-contained class

2 – Bring in those academically struggling or failing.

3 – Continue full virtual delivery to alls students

4 – Continue to strengthen community partners

5 – Offer space in our buildings for those parents who have signaled they need additional help.

6 – Contineu the work of Rec & Ed to offer even more free of charge to all.

7 – Redesign learning groups in learning centers

8 – Redesign end of year celebrations so everyone can enjoy and plan in advance instead of reacting.

Seconded by Lazarus.

Unanimously voted to discuss.

DuPree: I have quite a few. Most around how are we going to actually provide them.

Earlier today I reached out to Center for Autism in Ohio (attached to Youngstown). I asked them how they are dong it. They provide 2.5 hours with cohorts and 2 days on and off. Is it going to look like that. How are we going to provide those services? At home or in buildings. They don’t actually do lunch or recess because of concern about exposure and spread at that time. Class sizes are relatively small. Given class sizes and needs across districts, how are we going to make sure that’s going to work?

Baskett: I don’t see much difference. The plan along is to supply services to the most vulnerable.

Swift: I can quickly review how that looks. The team has done a lot of work on this. We can bring forward a more in depth share with eh self-contained students in stage 1. Services would be delivered by normal classroom staff. They are included in first wave of vaccine and with proper PPE. These students need tremendous support. Some services may be offered virtually. Those are the details that will be worked with each student to maintain cohort and services are consistent if they move from full virtual to hybrid. Recess and lunch are covered and will be in community information session.

DuPree: All day hybrid?

Swift; I’m not suggesting number of hours. It would be dependent on student needs. It is an abbreviated school day we’re looking at. In self-contained we’ll meet the student’s needs.

DuPree: Also about class sizes?

Swift: These are very small numbers in this particular program

Querijero: Can I ask the other population we’d bring back in the modified proposal. How many students is that?

Swift: What we’ve been talking about at secondary is 2-3 cohort groups of 10 students each coming 2 days each week. As it sits now for secondary, that might be serving about 100 students per campus. They would be selected by demonstrated need – second language, poverty, family situations. Principals have been working with Ms Parks. We don’t want the feeling that learning center is anything negative and are working to figure out how to do that in a dignified, value-add sort of way.

Gaynor: I’m trying to sort through this to clarify and get the pros and cons. I’m giong to put on my mask and double mask. One of the real differences in this proposal is we would not have face  to face for many students who we had previously planned to. One concern for hybrid (or hyflex as some have referred), is teachers would be wearing masks, students in class would be wearing masks, and that inhibits things. There will be other benefits. I was going to do the masks longer, but it’s hard. If I understand right, teachers could teach from home without wearing masks and be safe. But who would be staffing the learning centers? How would we guarantee their safety? Again I said I’d want all staff to have the opportunity to be vaccinated. Is there any timing differences than our current plan.

Swift: I’m just hearing the proposal this evening and sharing my initial thought. This would be a smaller group of educators. I would work with Ms Bacolor to see if those folks could be prioritized within our overall list. It wouldn’t be tomorrow, but it is possible we could ask our partners to prioritize the smaller list.

Gaynor: So potentially we could get some students sooner, but at the cost of having fewer students come in.

Baskett: No I want a date. Is it possible to do this before the end of March.

Swift: I would want to clarify, but March has been our goal all along. I would need to clarify how many have been vaccinated among those who would serve this group.

Baskett: There are probably other personnel issues to solidify, but we have much in the work. 

Kelly: Trustee Baskett, I appreciate the conversation. It think it highlights the level of desperation we’re at with high rates, low vaccine, urgency of getting kids in buildings. Bringing up the need to radically alter the plan highlights the urgency. I wish we didn’t need to have the conversation.

I also recognize the impossible position we’re putting Dr Swift in asking for logistics of a plan that came up at the table. We have a tremendous plan that haven’t had a chance to weigh in with feasibility. I won’t necessarily ask Dr Swift my questions today, but the things I would need answers to:

Are around staring. It isn’t just the one teacher – it’s food, nursing, all the folks who respond if there’s a crisis in a classroom. 

I’d need clarity on where the cut points are for which kids. I get that if it’s a smaller group its a tighter timeline. But if we’re talking smaller group, I’d need to be concerned about how that’s determined – lottery, signup, our decision. 

I’d be concerned about feasibility, finance (running buildings for a small group), missing enrollment for fall if we don’t look like in person available to everyone. Mostly what I’d need to make a radical modification would be weigh in from the AAPS teams on the feasibility. I wouldn’t be ready without the input of people on the ground in the buildings. I’m not ready to act on more than the question tonight.

Johnson: A quick comment. In listening to this, I’m struggling to see where this is a radical change. It’s possibly an adjustment to increase the number of students we’d serve in stage 1 and possibly make the move a bit more quickly. Other than that, it sounds like what we have plans. That’s where I’m struggling.

Lazarus: I like trustee Baskett’s suggestions. It doesn’t sound like a huge change. There are some hurdles we have to get through. namely vaccines. Given our staff is having dismal rollout, community spread is still high even though it’s declining. And the variant is knocking at our door. We’ve been warned that March is going to be tough because of the variant. I like the idea it isn’t a huge change. I’m tired of chasing COVID and determining best time to come back.

We need to get a place where we can focus. We’re fighting over 2.5 months where we’re going o get kids back in an environment that is going to stress our staff. 

We need a robust summer program, We can use outdoor. We can focus with vaccines for adults available by summer, we can focus on fall. Kids are in a groove now. I know some schools are struggling. When trustee Gaynor put on the double mask, it was hard to understand. From a pedagogy model it’s terrible way to learn. We can use our resources wisely and prepare for a strong summer and a strong fall return. We need to stop chasing the COVID tail that no one seems to be able to catch. I’m willing to have that further conversation. Maybe we give Dr Swift a week to do research with her staff and possibly have a report from Dr Swift next week. Then we either continue on our current path or make some adjustments.

Events from our Sponsors

Nichols Arboretum Big Play Day June 23

Big Play Day

Mark you calendars for June 23!

AFC Ann Arbor Women's Team takes the field

AFC Ann Arbor (Women’s) Final Home Game vs Detroit City FC

AFC Ann Arbor Women's Season May 19-June 30

Querijero: I’m in support of suggestions o modify the plan. I do know the tempo fo the school year won’t stop for anything. I think it’s fair to make a decision so they can make a decision for their family. We’ve heard in public commentary and by email that families are deciding to leave the district. I don’t want them to but I can’t fault them for making the decision that is right for their family. Anxiety in our district can be eliminated by making a decision. Being transparent about what we’re thinking and feeling helps families understand. When we haven’t been clear in our thinking, that’s caused some anxiety.

I think it’s only fair that we give Dr Swift a chance to hear and react and get information.

Johnson: I don’t see it as a huge deviation. I also don’t see how it stops us from chasing the tail of COVID. We’re still looking at how we accommodate these students and look at moving to hybrid for other students.

Lazarus: What I meant by that when we shut down on March 13, 2020 we understood what COVID was and our goal was to keep students staff and healthy. We moved headfirst into saying we’re continuing virtual. Get us the best tool for virtual. Once we open in September, we chased when can we open in hybrid. We can’t get this in control. Ww were told in january 11 that our teachers would get vaccinated. It’s clear our teachers have not been put at the front of the line. We can give our parents some help, keep our teachers safe. I love that we can hit the end of March date. Once we have a lot of other things we’ll have to deal with once we get kids in the building. The learning process will get disrupted. We keep virtual learning going but we get parents and students the help.

DuPree: Just to clarify, the questions I’m answering probably can’t be answered today but I want to bring them to look for answers in the future.

We’re talking about kids with high special education needs, not just those in self-contained. Are they included?

Swift: Stage 1 the definition is self-contained across K-12. I have not heard a specific reference in the amendment to serving a particular segment of special needs than how we usually do. All special needs would be a large number of students.

Baskett: That wouldn’t be my recommendation. I said self-contained because we have those teachers vaccinated already. I’m no expert, I’m just bringing up the idea. We knew we were going to start with them in stage 1. My hope is we’ll have learnings and can roll in other students as expectations are met.

DuPree: Since we’re going to focus on summer, is there a way to start early. As we look at summer and fall how are we going to look at student rights and responsibility and equity.

Gaynor: If we’re bringing back students who need to be in school, could we do 4 days a week, instead of 2 day hybrid.

To trustee DuPree, we’re still teaching and learning until the middle of June.

Baskett: Could we not start some summer programming?

Lazarus: just a comment bout the next step. We’ve had this discussion, Dr Swift has to consult with her staff. We were in this process. She had elementary principals ready to talk tot he community. in light of this proposal, how does that work. We don’t want mixed messages going out. If we’re saying end of March, how do we do this without delaying the team.

Johnson: I think we should talk with Dr Swift in exec committed, clarify the ask, and see if this effects the hybrid rollout and change what happens with the principals next week.

Querijero: I had the same concern about next steps. To me it’s to survey the community to see their perspective. I think that should come sooner rather than later in advance of the next meeting.

Swift: I do need to clarify. We have a survey ready to go based on the prior plan. My concern about a survey with the amended plan is parents don’t know if they’d be able to get the in school learning support. It’s not feasible every student could get that service – staffing two separate deliveries. To survey they’d need to know whether their student could get a learning center opportunity. That was a concern that happened when we surveyed last fall.

Querijero: I’m asking to survey the students to whom this would apply. Not the whole community.

Swift; We would want to do it. But if you surveyed it would be a large group of students. The plan we had would have been fewer student than including every student – poverty, second language, learning needs,

Johnson: And it takes time to identify the group.

Swift; Yes, it’s often not by a group.

Baskett: Let me apologize because I know this is putting a monkey wrench in a lot of what is in process. The community information sessions next week were to have parents have the information to answer a survey. We have heard from the community that families are struggling A consensus to bring in the most vulnerable. I’m also concerned about the timing. If we wait for this to get the feedback it could take a couple more weeks and now we’re pushing into April.

Johnson: I propose we take this to exec committee. Clarify the ask and move forward at the appropriate time with the existing process.

Baskett: I’ve made a motion and my concern is it’s a small group and I was the one that brought it forward and want to be part of it. I’m not in favor of moving this to exec committee.

Gaynor: I understand trustee Baskett was trying to make a motion than it moved to a  motion to discuss it.

Osinski: The original motion was to make the changes, but it wasn’t an agenda item so we had to move to have a discussion.

Lazarus: As the parliamentarian, you can make a motion to give those suggestions to Dr Swift to consider and report back at the next meeting. We would vote on that. Then next week, another motion could be made to accept the amended plan.

Swift: Elementary was coming in first, so we didn’t have learning groups identified. 

Swift: This does include removing the grade levels? Am I hearing that correctly?

Baskett: Yes, we would finish the year out virtual except bringing in the most at risk, vulnerable children as we’ve discussed. Did we add the learning centers for working parents.

Swift: We’ve added that to the list.

Gaynor: Would we add elementary students with highest needs?

Baskett: Elementary students could be part of the vulnerable?

Gaynor: Not the self-contained, others,

Swift: I’m hearing that the same groups as middle/high school are added for elementary in lieu of all elementary.

Baskett: I’d like to move that we redirect Dr Swift to modify Stage 1 to include bringing into buildings by end of March (at the latest) those students most at risk, most vulnerable starting with special needs children in self-contained classrooms. Everyone else would remain virtual until the end of the school year.

Johnson: You’re saying we’ll move that group to some type of in person and everyone else remains 100% virtual for the rest of the year.

Lazarus: I think there needs to be something> Do you have the specifics written down?

Baskett: I thought I was clear.

Lazarus: There seems to be some the same as before and some enhancements to who is in the special group such as the respite care and the learning centers within the building.

Swift: I’ve heard that the group has changed somewhat. Back to Querijero’s group about serving, it’s not a perfectly defined group. I’ve heard who you think about We have those in process at secondary, but would use those groups instead of grade level progressions, Correct?

Baskett: Correct, Querijero, Gaynor.

Querijero: Correct.

Gaynor: I’m unsure about the date, but are we asking Dr Swift to report back to us, or to end in person learning for anyone else.

Querijero: My understanding was her motion was to amend the current plan.

Gaynor: We’ve been focused on Stage 1-3. Apart from our current discussions, what happens on Stage 4

Swift: Stage 4 would occur following spring break and we’d communicate prior to spring break. Generally, we said it won’t be before spring break and we’d update as we move through February and early March.

Johnson: Our original goal was to get the first stages in in early March. Now, what we’re saying is the new motion is to change the first group to be a tighter date and it won’t be for the rest of the school community for the rest of the year.

Kelly: Should we take a short break and allow Baskett some thinking space?

Break until 11p.

Resumed from break at 11:08

Baskett: Motion:

I move that we redirect Dr Swift to modify our current return to school plan to remain delivering our instruction virtually for the remainder of the school year except those with the greatest needs as determined by our school administrator

Seconded by Lazaurs.


Gaynor: This feels very open ended to me. Again I’m a little uncomfortable not being clear what I’m voting for. I get the staying virtual, but the second

Baskett: I didn’t want to restrict our administrators too much.

Swift: So my hearing based on this motion is I would go off and put some flesh on those bones that would satisfy your question Trustee Gaynor.

Baskett: I would say yes. You’re the one that will ultimately prepare the plan. It has to be complaint with what your tasked to do.

Swift: So more clarity would be provided under the plan.

Gaynor: My first reaction is the community is going to hear we’re remaining virtual and not returning this school year.

Kelly: I can’t support a motion to decide to remove the need to provide any in person hybrid learning to most of the general education population.

I don’t understand why this motion couldn’t come next week after Dr Swift has a chance to collect information on budget, staffing. I will need to vote no.

Lazarus: I want to respond to Trustee Kelly that this isn’t a radical transition from what we were originally going to do. There are some nuances that allow us to get into the school sooner rather than later. I think it is necessary. We need to direct Dr Swift to understand we want her to make some modifications. She understands the need for the modification and the need to get the students of the most need into the classroom. I think it needs to be done in order to give Dr Swift the right directive to report back.

DuPree: I want to clarify what we’re talking about. We’re just saying Dr Swift go get logistics and bring it back.

Johnson: That’s not what’s in the motion right now.

Osinski: The motion”that we redirect Dr Swift to modify our current return to school plan to remain delivering our instruction virtually for the remainder of the school year except those with the greatest needs as determined by our superintendent and school administrators

Johnson: The motion says we’re deciding this. If that’s the wrong motion, then we need to change it. 

Baskett: Dr Swift as our superintendent is in charge of the plan and to implement it. She’ll come back to us to clarify and address any pitfalls or issues and to address Trustee Kelly’s comments this is not meant to be a slight on administrators or anyone in the field. By taking the safest route we have pushed out our date. What I’ve trying to incorporate is we’re going to bring some kids in.

Our parents have been waiting for a decision and a date. Until this meeting we have not had a discussion publicly . We’ve all talked with Dr Swift and with little groups, and I haven’t heard anything. If this isn’t perfect, I apologize. I want to move forward and have this discussion.

Lazarus: I motion to amend the motion to charge Dr Swift to come back to us with a recommendation for a revised in person by the end of March.

Baskett: We’re redirecting Dr Swift to provide recommendations to modify our current return to school for delivering our instruction virtually for the remainder of the school year except those with the greatest needs as determined by our superintendent and school administrators by the end of March.

Kelly: So long as the motion continues to continue the school year virtually for 10,000 students, I can’t support it. Sets a date without regard to metrics, and making such a radical motion that impacts so many without seeking input and proposal from our employees, we’ve never done that before.

Johnson: Let’s let each trustee make a statement. I think we need to bring this to a vote.

DuPree: Can we gather that information before the next meeting particularly surveying folks?

Swift: I heard I was bringing a plan. I don’t believe a comprehensive survey can be conducted particularly because we have to gather who is in that highest need group.

Kelly: I didn’t mean a survey, I meant speaking to people on our team without getting their input first.

Querijero: I do believe that is true. We’d be giving instructions on the fly. But the work they’re already doing would be alleviated. They wouldn’t have the work to define a hybrid model and the challenges . Plus the anxiety our teachers of how our teachers would teach in both modes would be alleviated. I recognize it catches our administrators by surprise. As Trustee Lazarus says, we’re able to make strong decisions for summer and fall. I have little confidence vaccines will com as fast as promised. I’m in support of this plan.

Gaynor: This is tough because the motion as it’s worded and being amended after 11p. We’re not being asked to vote on the plan tonight, as I understand it. We’re voting on having Dr Swift come back to us with a plan. I have reservations about the date. This ouwld be a voluntary return of staff, not a forced return. I couldn’t vote for it as originally worded, but am debating as it is currently amended

Johnson: We don’t have to have a vote on whether to have Dr Swift look at another plan. In that whole hour we didn’t discuss the elephant in the room about ending any hopes of hybrid instruction. It wasn’t until the surprise motion came up that it became a significant part of the discussion. That hours worth of discussion would have been different. Not once did ending any opportunity of virtual (I think he meant hybrid). Throughout this process we’ve said we intend to offer some form of in person instruction. I think it would be improper to make the decision on one hour discussion where we didn’t discuss the major issue. We’ve been on a thoughtful path, and now we’re making rash discussions. Dr Swift hasn’t told us we can’t make a March start for some groups. I feel like this was thrown on us at the table. It doesn’t feel right and like we’re doing the right thing for the community. For all the negative commentary, we’ve had a process. This doesn’t feel like a process.

Baskett: You’re entitled to your vote. I’ve acted in the faith of no surprises at the table. I’ve reached out to each of you. People, families want a decision. other school districts have called it. I think we’re a little late in calling it. We’ve had the opportunity to have a more robust discussion but no one brought it forward. Have we had a conversation. Otherwise the executive committee decides the agenda. I understand you and Trustee Kelly were clear of your lack of support for it. I respect you for it. Bring your concerns to Dr Swift. I’m very flexible. If you want a specific date, I’ll choose March 22. I’m talking about calling it virtual until the end of the year. We may not have discussed it here, but I was clear with every

Gaynor: It was part of your original motion.

Kelly: I have a procedural question. The pushback is for the rushed nature. Would you entertain a motion to table it for one week. For the team to gather the information, for the trustees to think about it.

Baskett: I’m not fine with that. I want the vote next week. This is first briefing as far as I’m concerned. Then we’d be pushing the vote out another week or two.

Kelly: I understand the concern around urgency. But I’m asking for one week.

Baskett: I don’t want to keep pushing it out.

Lazarus: I think you’re asking for a 

Johnson: I think Trustee Kelly is asking to vote next week when Dr Swift can have more information.

Baskett: The motion includes to vote on it by February 24.

Kelly: I’m hearing you want February 24 to be a first briefing and vote on it 

Johnson: We have to approve Continuity of Learning plan on the 24th.

Baskett: When would we vote.

Kelly: Dr Swift has heard us, Dr Swift has time to meet with administrators, and modify her recommendation for the continuation of learning plan for a vote on February 24.

If we take a vote tonight, we’ve told our community we’re calling off the option for in person learning for 10,000 kids.

Lazarus: My understanding is we’re voting on Dr Swift to come back with a recommendation next week. It might be that it’s not possible.

Kelly: That’s not the motion that’s on the table.

Johnson: If we want her to do that, we can ask her to do that. We don’t need a motion. Because of the wording about only offering hybrid learning to specific groups that’s what we’re voting. The fact that we’re so unclear on it, is a byproduct of it being rushed to the table.

Querijero: I’m clear on what I’m voting for tonight if it should come to a vote.

Lazarus: It’s a motion to make a recommendation for Dr Swift to make a recommendation next week.

Johnson: We’re asking Dr Swift to make a recommendation.

Querijero: I believe the motion is to amend the plan so that the students trustee Baskett. What we would be hearing next week is the implementation of that plan and not whether or not we should.

Osinski: Can I share my screen and show the motion?

Querijero: I recommend we modify the last sentence

Kelly: My parliamentary question is to ask Baskett to withdraw, otherwise I make a subsidiary motion to postpone Trustee Baskett’s motion until February 24.

Johnson: Trustee Baskett are you willing to pull your motion.

Baskett: It sounds like you’d be getting what you want.

Kelly: We’d be delaying the decision to go fully virtual by one week.

Baskett: No I won’t.

Johnson: Seconded by Johnson

Gaynor: This decision has been long due. Not as long as some think because our COVID cases were so high. But I think the proposal has merit. But I’m leery of having the decision tonight so quick. When trustee Baskett says First Briefing, Second Briefing I can’t favor this. As it is now, I can’t favor it or the subsidiary. I think I’d vote no on both. I’d rather find a way to word it so it is in the first briefing second briefing format. I’d want a guarantee Dr Swift would do the work we seem to be asking her to do and come back with information she can and have a vote on it next week.

Johnson: I agree with Trustee Gaynor. We go through multiple briefings to decide to buy LED lighting. And we’re making a same night decision on whether the majority of students have an opportunity to go back tot he classroom. I support postponing so we can get more information to make an informed decision.

Vote on subsidiary motion to postpone: 

No: Lazarus, Gaynor, DuPree, Baskett, Querijero

Yes: Johnson, Kelly.

Motion Failed.

Events from our Sponsors

Nichols Arboretum Big Play Day June 23

Big Play Day

Mark you calendars for June 23!

AFC Ann Arbor Women's Team takes the field

AFC Ann Arbor (Women’s) Final Home Game vs Detroit City FC

AFC Ann Arbor Women's Season May 19-June 30

Trustee Gaynor moved to extend the meeting until 1a, seconded by Trustee Baskett. Unanimously approved.

Trustees worked on the wording of the motion to address some concerns.

Modified Version:

I move to redirect Dr Swift to make a recommendation to modify our current return to school plan to allow instruction to remain virtual to the end of the school year with the exception of serving those with the greatest needs (as determined by the superintendent and school administrators) who would return to school by March 22, 2021. The implementation and modification of this plan will be presented, discussed and voted on by February 24.

Kelly: I think the last however many minutes of this shows how unclear this is. If this motion passes and it turns out to be unfeasible we have to do this all again. And whiplash in our community and loss of trust. What if this is not feasible, what if it’s not legal? I think we need to hear from Dr Swift.

Swift: I may have lost part of the prior discussion. With everything we do, we always plan and then bring the plan, then vote, then implement. That’s how we always go about things. This is different if the trustees are asking to make the decision tonight and bring the plan following. I serve at the pleasure of the board, but I’m clarifying. 

(Board): No we’ve modified it.

Swift: So you’re asking me to bring a recommendation of a plan to implement the thinking of this. The questions we’d ask are what are the financial implications, legal implications, for children, logistical changes, health & safety. What I’m hearing so far is which students. We always work with our teachers and administrators and parents too. It’s not a specific formula. How we would select the students is one of the areas. Once we’re able to complete, 

DuPree: About delivery of service particularly those who get in home services. What would that look like for those students.

Swift: Students currently receiving on a home bound model probably won’t change. Those kind of things are case by case, student by student. By next week I can bring some general statements. Significant impact is a case by case, working with their parents, contacting the parents, how does the IEP get amended for in person hybrid.

Kelly: I want to point out that the way this motion has been honed, we are directing someone to recommend something specific back to us. For me to be able to support a motion, I would need to remove the part about the specific date and the removal of all virtual. I could support that.

DuPree: I’d like to look at the motion again to see how it would look with Trustee Kelly’s suggestions.

Baskett moved to end debate. Lazarus seconded. Unanimously approved to end debate.

The motion one more time:

By trustee Baskett, I move to redirect Dr Swift to make a recommendation to modify our current return to school plan to allow instruction to remain virtual to the end of the school year with the exception of serving those with the greatest needs (as clarified by our superintendent and school administrators) who would return to school by March 22, 2021. The implementation of this modified plan will be presented, discussed and voted on by February 24, 2021.

Seconded by Trustee Lazarus.

Yes: Lazarus, Gaynor, DuPree, Baskett, Querijero

No: Johnson, Kelly

Motion carries 5-2.

Preview Executive Budget Proposal 2021-22: School Aid

Ms Minnick presented.

February 11 state preliminary budget

Foundation allowance is primary funding source. An increase of $164/pupil for those at minimum and and $82/pupil for those at or above target level. (AAPS is at the $82/pupil increase)

$1.4 million increase to AAPS

Blending student counts. Student count is typically 90% October and 10% February count. Due to COVID, for this year they’re using a weighted level of last year and this year. The intent is to lessen impact of decreased enrollment.

For 2021-2022, they’ll fund about 70% of student FTE loss at a lesser foundation amount.

The weighted funding model adds funding for students with more costly educational needs. Maintaining the special education rate of an additional 2.2% above the 28.6%. Also increasing at risk funding from 30% to 35%. This is a potential increase of about $160K. These are restricted to items serving at risk populations.

Other proposed funding – a supplemental fiscal year 2021 with an increase to Great Start Readiness for 4 yr olds and Filter First grant for drinking fountain liters. $250M for student recovery services and $60M for Summer 2021 learning & out of school time. They would be reimbursable basis so don’t affect bottom line.

The Executive Budget Recommendation acknowledges increases in projected state revenues, lessens impact of declining enrollment, acknowledges recovery services.

This is first step. House & Senate will propose their budgets. The Second Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference is in May. They agree to a budget in June. We must approve a budget by June 30.

Lazarus: I want to thank you. since the hour is late. Otherwise we might have been more enthused.

First Briefing

Mr Lauzzana presented the process of construction and where the Bond Committee and full Board interact on construction process.

The 2019 Bond highlighted starting with Air Conditioning, Solar Power, and LED Lighting. The Solar and LED projects help offset the air conditioning. Solar tracks the roof replacement plan.

  • 2019 Bond: Air Conditioning & Lighting Upgrades at Burns Park, Angell, Tappan, & Community
  • 2019 Bond: Air Conditioning & Lighting Upgrades at Scarlett Part 2
  • 2019 Bond: Architectural & Engineering Services for Air Conditioners and Lighting Projects 2022-2023

Engineering Contracts are with existing pre-approved contractors.

Motion to extend until 2a by Kelly, seconded by Lazarus. Motion unanimously approved

Kelly: Some people might look and say why are you planning more than a year away. This is the service to bring us the proposal for summer 2022 at this time next year.

The community engagement aspect. You showed where it would happen, but we’re not doing that here because these projects were part of the specific campaign promises. Certainly the community engagement will happen with the major projects. 

Lauzzana: We’re already in interviewing process for major projects. One of our questions is how they handle their community engagement sessions. There will be lots of opportunity to express opinions and be heard.

Second Briefing

Second Briefings are provided on:

  • Deferred Compensation Plans Restatements
  • Annex AN-2017: Technology Purchase – Dell Chromebooks & MacBook Airs
  • Annex AN-2018: Technology Purchase – Student Headsets
  • Annex AN-2019: AED Replacement Purchase

Swift: My understanding is we have no changes. COnfirmed by s Minnick & Mr Lauzzana.

No trustee questions.

Consent Agenda

The Board will vote on the Consent Agenda:

  • Approve Deferred Compensation Plans Restatements
  • Approve Annex AN-2017: Technology Purchase – Dell Chromebooks & MacBook Airs
  • Annex AN-2018: Technology Purchase – Student Headsets
  • Annex AN-2019: AED Replacement Purchase
  • Approve Minutes from the February 10, 2021 Regular Meeting

Moved by Trustee Kelly. Seconded by Gaynor. Approved Unanimously

Items from the Board

Gaynor: I still have a few spots in a community coffee I set up about 6 days ago for today, Thursday, February 18 at 7p. Trustee Lazarus is joining and I have room for another trustee. Still room for guests. You’ll have to email me.

Baskett: From staff can we get an update of the investigation of the Pioneer situation. I know we usually do this in January, an update from architects on housing developments and impact on our community.

Swift: I believe they’re both coming in the very near future.

Baskett: And also a follow-up with the RAHS team. I know we pushed them off.

Kelly: I want to share one resource. The Washtenaw County Mental Health has a campaign called Wish You Knew. It came home from a school via a book distribution. All the information is available on the website. It’s local resources for when 10 deep breaths won’t fix it. It has organization, types of program, contact info, and ages served. So if a little elementary is served, or an 18 yr old high school senior looking for adult services. I hope every building doing book distribution includes that.


Motion to adjourn by Kelly, seconded by DuPree. Unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 1:01a

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