
Plymouth Orchards & Cider Mill

About Plymouth Orchards & Cider Mill

Plymouth Orchard was the first place we took my daughter to get a pumpkin at 9 months old. We didn’t realize that they have the pumpkins in a field instead of an actual pumpkin patch. As a baby who loved walking while holding your hand, having the pumpkins in a field instead of a patch was perfect for her. She also got her first taste of my caramel apple (just the apple part after I ate away the caramel).

Activities Beyond U-Pick


Plymouth Orchards & Cider Mill, Warren Road, Plymouth, MI, USA

Farm Hours


Cider, Donuts

Crops at Plymouth Orchards & Cider Mill

Apples on tree


Cider Mill

Typical Season:
2022 Season: 2024: 8/31-11/10
2022 Price:
Picking Containers:

Field of Pumpkins


Typical Season:
2022 Season: 2024: 8/31-11/10
2022 Price:

Articles on Plymouth Orchards & Cider Mill

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