Color the Quarantine - Cover Image

Color the Quarantine Coloring Book

Does your family love to color? Nineteen female artists have coloaborated on a new coloring book, Color the Quarantine.

Color the Quarantine - Cover Image

The coloring book was the inspiration of three artists, Kat Furtado, Leah Nadeau, and Melissa Doty. Leah Nadeau is an Ann Arbor artist and asked me to share the project with Ann Arbor parents. Kat, Leah, and Melissa have collected the work of Instagram friends from across the world in this unique coloring book.

To get started, check out the coloring page from Leah.

The coloring book is available to download in a pay what you can pricing starting at $5. Purchases help to support the small businesses of these artists during the COVID-19 outbreak. You can purchase the coloring book on Melissa Doty’s website.

Check out their press release for more details:

Nineteen female artists collaborate to produce “Color the Quarantine” coloring book
Ann Arbor –  In an effort to help battle boredom and harness creativity during the COVID-19 pandemic, 19 women artists have joined forces to offer “Color the Quarantine,” a coloring book, in a digital download format.  The book is meant to be accessible to all, with a “pay what you can” price point and can be downloaded here. 

 Creatives Kat Furtado, Leah Nadeau and Melissa Doty came together in early April with an idea: gather our fellow artist friends and create a coloring book from our artwork. It would be a collaborative effort, artists supporting other artists, females supporting other females and people supporting small businesses all over the world.
The significance of the coloring book is explained by Kat Furtado, one of the founders. She says, “We feature real, working artists who are doing exactly what you are right now. We know how hard it is to be a quarantine machine—but also how important it is. Still, sometimes we just need that moment to reset after a long day in the same old place. When you need that moment of zen, coloring is such a fantastic release.”
Color the Quarantine is a collaborative of women artists whose purpose is to connect people all over the world through art therapy during a difficult time.

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